• 肌肉发达的男性寿命可能更长

    12-11-21 How muscular you are as a teenager may predict how long you live, at least if you are a man. 青少年身体的强壮程度可能预示着寿命的长短,至少对于男性来说是这样。 Swedish experts who tracked more than a million teenage boys for 24 years found those wit...

  • 穴居人手臂形态受刮擦活动影响

    12-07-19 Unique arm morphology(形态学) in Neandertals was likely caused by scraping activities such as hide preparation, not spear thrusting as previously theorized, according to research published July 18 in the open access journal PLoS ONE. The researche...

  • Face Yoga 面部瑜伽

    12-03-22 It's the latest weapon in the fight against the signs of aging. This is Face Yoga , also called Grimace Yoga. Its a yoga technique which requires facial muscles to be stretched as far as possible in order to relieve pressure and prevent wrinkles. To...

  • 霸王龙在陆地生物中拥有最强的咬合力

    12-03-02 Research at the University of Liverpool, using computer models to reconstruct the jaw muscle of Tyrannosaurus rex, has suggested that the dinosaur had the most powerful bite of any living or extinct terrestrial(陆地的) animal. The team artificiall...

  • 维生素E的天然功能

    11-12-21 It's rubbed on the skin to reduce signs of aging and consumed by athletes to improve endurance but scientists now have the first evidence of one of vitamin E's normal body functions. The powerful antioxidant found in most foods helps repair tears in...

  • 揭开软组织肉瘤的基因分子之谜

    11-12-01 Scientists at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston have uncovered important molecular and genetic keys to the development of soft-tissue sarcomas(肉瘤) in skeletal(骨骼的) muscle, giving researchers and clinicians additional targets to stop the grow...

  • 某保健品可用于治疗肌肉萎缩症

    11-11-25 A health supplement used by bodybuilders could be the key to treating a life-threatening muscular dystrophy(肌肉萎缩症) affecting hundreds of Australian children, new research shows. The amino acid L-tyrosine had a rapid and dramatic impact on Nem...

  • 人类心脏细胞为何不能再生

    11-08-10 Stem cell researchers at UCLA have uncovered for the first time why adult human cardiac myocytes(肌细胞) have lost their ability to proliferate, perhaps explaining why the human heart has little regenerative capacity. The study, done in cell lines...

  • 老人需加强锻炼防止肌萎缩

    11-06-11 People lose 30% of their muscle strength between the ages of 50 and 70 years. However, maintaining muscle strength in old age is enormously important in order to maintain mobility and to be able to lead an independent life and manage everyday tasks...

  • 海洋生物纳米腮须可增强人体肌肉组织

    11-03-14 Nanoscale whiskers(胡须,腮须) from sea creatures could grow human muscle tissue Minute whiskers of nanoscale dimensions taken from sea creatures could hold the key to creating working human muscle tissue, University of Manchester researchers have...