• 帮派杀戮可以科学预测吗?

    15-08-18 Gang slayings move in a systematic pattern over time, spreading from one vulnerable area to the next like a disease, finds a groundbreaking study by Michigan State University criminologists and public health researchers. Their findings, published on...

  • 费城流产手术医生被判一级谋杀

    13-05-14 A Philadelphia doctor has been convicted of the first-degree murders of three babies delivered and killed with scissors in late-term abortions. 费城一位医生因在妊娠晚期流产手术中用手术剪杀死三名婴儿被判一级谋杀罪。 Dr Kermit Gosnell, 72, was acquitt...

  • 2012纽约凶杀案创历史最低

    12-12-29 The number of murders in New York City is expected to hit a record low this year, as officials credited police efforts in reducing crime. 纽约市今年发生的凶杀案有望达到历史最低点,有关官员对警察打击犯罪的努力做出了肯定。 So far, there have been 414...

  • 日本三名囚犯被执行绞刑

    12-03-29 Japan has hanged three death row inmates in its first executions since July 2010. 2010年七月以来,日本首次将三名囚犯执行绞刑。 Japan did not carry out any executions in 2011 Reports said the unnamed prisoners, hanged in separate prisons, had all bee...

  • 布拉德福德妓女谋杀案嫌疑人将受审

    10-05-28 A 40-year-old man charged with the murders of three Bradford women who worked as prostitutes, is due to appear before magistrates later. 英国某男子涉嫌谋杀布拉德福德地区三名妓女而遭控诉,该男子将接受地方法官审判。 Stephen Griffiths was arrested at h...
