• 人工智能可通过眼球运动判断性格

    18-08-12 Eyes really do tell a story. 眼睛确实会说话。 Using machine learning, earlier this year scientists discovered a connection between peoples personalities and their eye movements. They then deployed artificial intelligence to track and analyze the eye...

  • 可以使大脑更加迟钝的生活习惯

    16-10-06 SITTING STILL When we sit for long periods (more than three hours), our inactivity leads to reduced blood flow to the brain and less oxygenation and nutrient supply, says Dr Jenny Brockis, author of Future Brain: The 12 Keys to Create Your High-Perf...

  • 走路方式可以透露人的性格

    16-10-05 The way people walk can provide clues about their personality, claims a new study. 一项最新研究显示,走路的方式可以透露一个人的性格。 Using motion capture technology, researchers found that movements reveal certain personality traits, such as aggres...

  • 蚂蚁爬行轨迹暗含概率统计学

    15-05-13 When ants go exploring in search of food they end up choosing collective routes that fit statistical distributions of probability. This has been demonstrated by a team of mathematicians after analysing the trails of a species of Argentine ant. Studi...

  • 生物机器人可利用麦克风探测追寻声音

    14-11-10 North Carolina State University researchers have developed technology that allows cyborg cockroaches, or biobots, to pick up sounds with small microphones and seek out the source of the sound. The technology is designed to help emergency personnel f...

  • 企鹅通过不断变化群结构保暖

    11-06-02 50 C and gale-force winds above 180 km/h during the Antarctic winter, Emperor penguins form tightly packed huddles(拥挤,混乱) and, as has recently been discovered the penguins actually coordinate their movements to give all members of the huddle...
