• Pauline's Passion and Punishment - Chapter 2

    20-12-19 What jewels will the seora wear tonight? None, Dolores. Manuel has gone for flowers - he likes them best. You may go. But the seoras toilette is not finished; the sandals, the gloves, the garland yet remain. Leave them all; I shall not go down. I am...

  • 珠峰登山许可证门槛提高

    19-08-16 All climbers seeking a permit for Qomolangma must have prior high altitude mountaineering experience and demonstrable training, a high-level commission for the Nepalese government has ruled. 尼泊尔政府管辖的高级委员会规定,凡是想获准攀登珠穆朗玛峰的...

  • Douglas Fir

    13-12-26 Douglas Fir Ken Howe It is easier to apprehend the sacredness(神圣) of the Douglas-Fir in the mountains, where it is more rare. Frequently alone in a meadow, surrounded by dropped fir cones(锥形体) , needles bestrewing its pedestal, its dais. Th...

  • 火星上曾有过降雨

    13-07-25 Researchers at Brown University have shown that some Martian valleys appear to have been caused by runoff from orographic precipitation(地形雨) -- moisture carried part of the way up a mountain and deposited on the slopes. Valley networks branchin...

  • 山中救援

    13-06-27 When Ruth Hagan was 78 years old, she visited her daughter Judy and teenage granddaughter Marcy in California. They headed for their cabin, zigzagging forty miles up and down the mountains in their Bronco, from pavement to gravel(砂石,沙砾) to a...

  • 生命的反射

    13-04-02 A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!! To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in themountain: AAAhhhhhh!!! Curious, he yells: Who are you? He receiv...

  • 愚公移山

    12-06-08 There were two high mountains between Jizhou in the south and Heyang in the north. One was called Taihang Mountain and the other Wangwu Mountain. Both of the mountains were very high. Just to the north of the mountains lived an old man called Yu Gon...

  • 冰川可使高纬度山脉长高

    10-09-16 Glaciers can help actively growing mountains become higher by protecting them from erosion, according to a University of Arizona-led research team. The finding is contrary to the conventional view of glaciers as powerful agents of erosion that carve...

  • 韩国吴银善成为征服世界14座高峰的首位女性

    10-05-02 现年44岁的韩国女登山云队员吴银善于4月27日在尼泊尔登顶世界第十高的安娜普尔纳峰,成为全世界首位征服了全部14座8000米以上高峰的女性,也是到目前为止,成功登顶这14座高峰第20名登山队员。 South Korean climber Oh Eun-Sun is seen preparing for her ascent of t...

  • 遭遇泥石流灾害 乌干达计划疏散50万人

    10-03-09 Half a million people will need to be moved from their homes in mountainous areas of Uganda because of the risk of mudslides, the government has said. 乌干达政府称,因为有泥石流危险,山区大约有50万人需要撤离。 Some 300,000 people living on the slope...