• 房价房租暴涨让数百万美国人的住房梦遥不可及

    22-07-01 哈佛大学日前发布的年度国家住房报告称,房价和房租的暴涨再加上利率的上调让数百万美国人的住房梦更加遥不可及,按揭利率的上升也让贷款买房者面临失去房屋所有权的威胁。 The record run-up in home prices and rents exacerbated the affordable housing crisis in...

  • 按揭买房

    22-06-09 1. I cant just quit my job. I have a family, a mortgage and bills to pay. 我不能辞职。我得养家、还房贷,还得付各种账单。 2. Our mortgage is almost paid off. 我们的房贷快还完了。 3. How do I begin the application process? 我怎样申请呢? 4. The applic...

  • 首付、尾款、贷款

    21-05-14 1.首付款 英语怎么说? 很多人从字面上以为首付款就是第一次付的款,错了! down payment首付 down = in cash,是我们在买东西时付的现金 Down payment也就是 (分期付款中的)头期款 We are saving for a down payment on a house. 我们正攒钱支付买房的首付金。 I ne...

  • 丹麦贷款买房无息 银行还倒贴钱

    19-08-16 A Danish bank has launched the worlds first negative interest rate mortgage - handing out loans to homeowners where the charge is minus 0.5% a year. 一家丹麦银行推出了世界首例负利率按揭贷款房贷年利率为-0.5%。 Negative interest rates effectively mean...

  • 英国居民还清房贷的年龄延长至85岁

    16-05-14 Nationwide is raising its age limit for people paying off mortgages by 10 years to 85, in the latest sign of the impact of rising house prices on buyers. 英国房价上涨的影响再显现:全英房屋抵押贷款协会近日将英国居民还清房贷的年龄上限延长了10年,至85...

  • 法律英语:Encumbrance 财产负担

    15-01-15 If the purpose of the transaction is to transfer property for security only, then the courts will hold the transaction a pledge. 如果交易之目的只是因为担保而转让财产,法院将裁定此种交易是一种质押行为。 It is a charge on land. 此是土地的抵押。 He dec...

  • “房奴”的翻译

    12-10-31 如今,房奴的翻译也成了热点问题。新出版的两部汉英字典都在做产品宣传时着重介绍了这个词的翻译。《汉英大辞典》的翻译简单些,只有对应词 mortgage slave,《汉英词典》则复杂些mortgage slave; house slave (someone under the pressure of paying back housing mor...

  • 美国银行涉嫌贷款欺诈被起诉

    12-10-25 Bank of America is being sued for $1bn for alleged mortgage fraud. 美国银行因涉嫌贷款欺诈被起诉赔付10亿美元。 The civil lawsuit has been brought by the US Attorney Preet Bharara, the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, New York. He accuses Countryw...

  • 11月美国房价继续下跌

    11-12-28 US home prices have fallen further in October despite record low mortgage interest rates, according to new data. 美国最近数据显示,尽管抵押贷款利率降至最低点,11月份房价仍进一步降低。 The Standard Poor's Case-Shiller index of 10 major metropolitan a...

  • US Treasury in foreclosure fines

    09-12-01 The US Treasury Department is cracking down on mortgage companies failing to help borrowers at risk of foreclosure. 美国财政部正在对未能帮助丧失赎回权借款人的抵押公司实行压制。 The mortgage assistance programme is costing the US government $75bn The...