• 眼睛聚焦之物可影响道德性决策

    15-03-19 Our opinions are affected by what our eyes are focusing on in the same instant we make moral decisions. Researchers at Lund University and other institutions have managed to influence people's responses to questions such as is murder defensible? by...

  • moral corruption 道德败坏

    14-11-28 There is no official explanation for moral corruption , but an official from the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said the term means that an official has at least three mistresses, the Henan Business News reported. 据《河南商报》报...

  • core socialist values 社会主义核心价值观

    14-04-28 Chinese president Xi Jinping has reiterated core socialist values , urging deep understanding and comprehensive implementation of the moral doctrine nationwide. 中共中央总书记习近平强调社会主义核心价值观,要求全面学习和弘扬社会主义核心价值观道德准则...

  • Child is Father

    13-09-06 Child is Father Colleen O'Brien We are farther post-Christian and richer entropic, make more of our movements and less of our masses. We matter as physics. Our matter's less ethics. Without them we're moral as moons and we orbit no center. We make a...

  • 市场经济侵蚀道德价值观

    13-05-13 Many people express objections against child labor, exploitation of the workforce or meat production involving cruelty against animals. At the same time, however, people ignore their own moral standards when acting as market participants, searching...

  • 人们的行为比预想更具道德性

    11-02-23 If asked whether we'd steal, most of us would say no. Would we try to save a drowning person? That dependsperhaps on our fear of big waves. Much research has explored the ways we make moral(道德的) decisions. But in the clinch, when the opportunit...

  • 南非大主教结束其公职生涯

    10-10-07 Archbishop Desmond Tutu is stepping down from public life, as he celebrates his 79th birthday. 南非大主教德斯蒙德图图结束了其公职生涯,庆祝他的79岁生日。 The man described as the conscience of South Africa was a prominent(突出的,显著的) voice dur...
