• to be my time of the month/on my monthly 来月经,来例假

    21-04-15 搭配 to be my time of the month 和 to be on my monthly 是女性描述 来月经,来例假 时常用的相对委婉的说法。这两个说法既可以用在与朋友间的交谈中,也可以用在想委婉地告诉他人自己来月经了 的对话中。 Time of the month 和 monthly 源自大多数女性 每月一次 的...

  • 英语真实条件句

    20-12-14 英语中的条件句分为真实条件句和虚拟条件句,而真实条件句大体分为两类:一类被称作 零类条件句,用来陈述事实或真理。这类句子翻译成汉语大多是 如果,就;另一类叫作 第一类条件句,用来谈论未来可能发生的事情,常见句式的汉语翻译是 如果,那就会。 1. If you want...

  • 包含动词take的常用短语

    20-12-05 1. Theres a new manager _______ from the old one next week. She seems really nice. a) taking over b) taking up c) taking after d) taking part 2. Its only the first month, and my business is going well. Its really starting to _______. a) take part b)...

  • Horse month of the Monkey year 猴年马月

    16-03-29 Netizens on Chinese microblogging websites are all agog for the upcoming Horse month of the Monkey year , a calendar occurrence so rare that the phrase is a commonly used slang to refer to a date in the unforeseeable future. 中国微博用户们正在热切盼...

  • 英语中十二个月名称的来历

    16-01-28 January January is named after the Roman god Janus, who presided over doors and beginnings - appropriately enough, for the beginning of the year (though this is, as you will discover, not as straightforward as it seems). Indeed, Janus was usually de...

  • Movember 胡子月

    15-12-28 You might notice something unusual in November. Men who usually shave their faces start growing mustaches. Pretty soon, you might be seeing hairy lips everywhere. 你可能注意到11月有些不寻常之处。那些经常刮胡子的男性会在此月开始蓄胡子。很快,到处都能...

  • 出生月份影响患病几率

    15-06-13 The month you were born does have an impact on how likely you are to become ill, researchers have claimed. 研究人员称,人的出生月份确实会影响患病的几率。 After using the algorithm to examine New York City medical databases, they found 55 diseases th...

  • 英国人性欲正走下坡路

    14-11-02 Britain is losing its libido. That is the striking conclusion of an Observer survey -- published in the new Sex Uncovered supplement -- which reveals that the average British adult has sex only four times a month, less than once a week. 《观察家报》...