• mommy makeover 妈咪整容术

    18-04-23 Mommy makeover refers to cosmetic surgery aimed at making a mother look the way she did before she had children. 妈咪整容术的目的在于使生育过的女性看上去如同未生育过一样青春美貌。 So-called mommy makeovers can involve a variety of procedures, but of...

  • Mommy card 妈咪卡

    18-04-23 Mommy card refers to a calling card that includes a mothers name and contact information. 妈咪卡是指上面写有一位妈妈的名字和联系信息的名片。 Mommy cards are a trendy and useful way to share contact information between mothers to set up play dates an...

  • Facebook mommy

    14-07-22 Facebook mommy is a mom who spends 5 hours a night at the club, 10 hours a day asleep, 4 hours a day working, 2 hours a day shopping/eating/drinking coffee with her girls, an hour and a half showering and getting dressed, and 30 minutes with her kid...
