• 宝宝三岁前不宜与妈妈分床睡

    11-11-05 Babies should sleep in their mothers bed until they are at least three years old, it was claimed last night. 昨晚发布的研究报告称,至少要到三岁大,宝宝才能和妈妈分床睡。 The controversial advice comes from a paediatrician(儿科专家) who found that...

  • 第一夫人演讲 Remarks by The First Lady at Mother's Day

    10-05-16 The White House Office of the First Lady For Immediate Release May 07, 2010 Remarks by The First Lady at Mother's Day Tea State Dining Room 3:15 P.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA: Well, isnt this lovely -- and very civilized. (Laughter.) Hello everyone, and thank...
