• 联合国制裁决议后朝鲜发射短程炮弹

    16-03-03 South Korea's defense ministry said Thursday that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has fired several short-range projectiles into eastern waters after new UN Security Council resolution on Pyongyang. 韩国国防部周四表示,在联合国安理...

  • 朝鲜试射3枚短程导弹

    15-06-15 The North Korean military has reportedly test-fired another round of short-range missiles into its eastern waters. 朝鲜军方报道,已向其东部海域试射新一轮短程导弹。 South Korea's Yonhap News Agency is reporting at least 3 short-range missiles have be...

  • 美韩军演 朝鲜发射两枚短程导弹

    15-03-02 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) fired two short-range missiles into its eastern waters on Monday when South Korea and the United States kicked off their joint annual war games. 本周一,当韩国与美国举行年度联合军事演习之时,朝鲜向其...

  • 以色列对导弹袭击将强硬回应

    15-01-29 Isreali Prime Minister is vowing to respond forcefully to missile attack from Hezbollah militants. 以色列总理立誓将对真主党激进分子的导弹袭击做出强硬回应。 Burning vehicles are seen near the village of Ghajar on Israel's border with Lebanon January...

  • 联合国谴责朝鲜的导弹试验

    14-03-28 The UN Security Council has condemned North Korea's launch of two ballistic missiles and said it was considering an appropriate response. 联合国安理会对朝鲜发射两枚弹道导弹表示谴责,并称正在考虑采取恰当的反应。 The Council's president, Luxembourg UN...

  • 朝鲜试发射中程导弹

    14-03-26 North Korea has test-fired two medium-range ballistic missiles, just hours after the US, South Korea and Japan met in the Netherlands for talks. 美国、韩国和日本三国齐聚荷兰举行会谈数小时之后,朝鲜即试验发射两枚中程弹道导弹。 The North has launched...

  • 直升机激光反导系统处于研制阶段

    10-09-03 Protecting helicopters in combat from heat-seeking missiles is the goal of new laser technology created at the University of Michigan and Omni Sciences, Inc., which is a U-M spin-off company. Battlefield terrain(地形,地势) in places like Afghanis...
