• millstone around one's neck 沉重的负担

    22-08-18 我有个表兄,说起来挺可怜的。他从小就立志要做律师。几年前如愿以偿,从法学院毕业,加入了一家律师事务所。如今,他一天从早忙到晚,周末都不能跟家人在一起。可是因为上法学院欠下的一屁股债,所以又不能放弃律师的工作。他所面临的进退两难的局面,倒是让我想起了...

  • Why the Sea is Salt 3

    12-03-07 The poor man thanked Hiysi, and wrapping the magic millstone in his tattered cloak, began walking back towards his home. He walked and he walked and he walked, and at last reached his home. His wife was weeping, having given him up for dead. 'Where...

  • Why the Sea is Salt 2

    12-03-07 After a while he met some woodcutters. 'Where are you going, so deep in the forest?' asked the woodcutters. 'To Hiysi the Wood-Goblin's,' replied the poor man. 'I have this cow's hoof for him. Can you tell me how to find his hut?' 'Keep walking stra...
