• 保护地球免受太空陨石的侵害

    20-10-11 Do you want to find a meteorite? Well, here is where to look out on the Antarctic ice. The pristine white surface makes meteorites easier to see. 你想找一颗陨石吗?你可以在南极的冰面上试试!这里一尘不染的白色表面让陨石更容易被看到。 Alexander Gerst...

  • 陨石撞击地球之前恐龙数量已经在下降

    16-04-19 Dinosaurs were already in an evolutionary decline tens of millions of years before the meteorite impact that finally finished them off, new research has found. The findings provide a revolution in the understanding of dinosaur evolution. Palaeontolo...

  • 澳洲中部曾发生规模最大的小行星撞击

    15-03-25 A 400 kilometre-wide impact zone from a huge meteorite that broke in two moments before it slammed into the Earth has been found in Central Australia. The crater from the impact millions of years ago has long disappeared. But a team of geophysicists...

  • 科学家在陨石中发现有机分子

    13-09-11 An important discovery has been made concerning the possible inventory of molecules available to the early Earth. Scientists led by Sandra Pizzarello, a research professor in ASU's Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, found that the Sutter's Mi...

  • 准晶体来自地外空间

    12-08-10 Results from an expedition to far eastern Russia that set out to find the origin of naturally occurring quasicrystals(准晶体) have provided convincing evidence that they arrived on Earth from outer space. Writing in IOP Publishing's journal Report...

  • 科学家在陨星中发现原始矿物

    12-06-27 In 1969, an exploding fireball tore through the sky over Mexico, scattering thousands of pieces of meteorite(陨星) across the state of Chihuahua. More than 40 years later, the Allende meteorite is still serving the scientific community as a rich s...

  • 陨星研究发现未知天体

    10-12-16 Scientists from all over the world are taking a second, more expansive, look at the car-sized asteroid(小行星) that exploded over Sudan's Nubian Desert in 2008. Initial research was focused on classifying the meteorite(陨星,流星) fragments that...

  • 对火星甲烷的研究,增强火星存在生命的猜想

    09-12-09 Scientists have ruled out the possibility that排除可能性 methane甲烷 is delivered to Mars by meteorites陨星 , raising fresh hopes that the gas might be generated by life on the red planet, in research published tomorrow (Wednesday 9 December 2009) i...

  • 美宇航局发现火星细菌 成生命新证据

    09-12-05 Nasa has found what it calls strong evidence that life once existed on Mars after re-examining a meteorite. 近日,美国宇航局发现火星曾存在生物体的有力证据,这一结论是在该机构对一枚陨星进行重新检测后得出的。 An image of meteorite No.ALH84001. Nasa ha...
