• 东京奥运奖牌将使用回收金属制造

    19-02-12 Tokyo Olympic organizers said that all its medals in the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic games are expected to be manufactured by recycled metals which are extracted from discard cameras, phones or laptops, according to an AP report. 东京奥运会主办单位...

  • 金属催化剂可以制造氢气

    14-01-27 Biochemical reactions sometimes have to handle dangerous things in a safe way. New work from researchers at UC Davis and Stanford University shows how cyanide(氰化物) and carbon monoxide are safely bound to an iron atom to construct an enzyme that...

  • 两千年前的金属镀层工艺至今仍难超越

    13-07-25 Artists and craftsmen(工匠) more than 2,000 years ago developed thin-film coating technology unrivaled(无比的) even by today's standards for producing DVDs, solar cells, electronic devices and other products. Understanding these sophisticated me...

  • 洋葱能吸收有害重金属

    12-12-11 Onion and garlic waste from the food industry could be used to mop up hazardous heavy metals, including arsenic(砷) , cadmium(镉) , iron, lead, mercury and tin in contaminated materials, according to a research paper published in the Internation...

  • 特种金属需要循环利用

    12-09-25 An international policy is needed for recycling scarce specialty metals that are critical in the production of consumer goods, according to Yale researchers in Science. A recycling rate of zero for specialty metals is alarming when we consider that...

  • 研究人员发现光穿透金属的新方法

    12-03-28 Helping bridge the gap between photonics(光电) and electronics, researchers from Purdue University have coaxed a thin film of titanium nitride(氮化物) into transporting plasmons, tiny electron excitations coupled to light that can direct and man...

  • 石墨烯是最好的防腐涂层

    12-02-23 New research has established the miracle material called graphene as the world's thinnest known coating for protecting metals against corrosion. Their study on this potential new use of graphene(石墨烯) appears in ACS Nano. In the study, Dhiraj Pr...
