• 身体发热时需要注意什么

    22-12-19 Dont Drink Certain Beverages 不要饮酒、汽水、含咖啡因的饮料 Alcohol, soda and caffeinated drinks should be avoided when you have a fever, says Pauline J. Jose, MD, a specialist in family medicine with pH Labs. They can cause dehydration when we real...

  • 60岁后新陈代谢才开始减速

    21-08-17 许多人都把中年发福归咎于新陈代谢变慢,然而新研究发现,中年人的新陈代谢速度和年轻人无异,60岁后新陈代谢才开始减速。也许,中年发福只是吃得太多,动得太少。 Middle-aged spread cannot be blamed on a waning metabolism, according to an unprecedented analys...

  • 压力与高脂肪食物使女性新陈代谢减慢

    14-07-15 A new study in women suggests that experiencing one or more stressful events the day before eating a single high-fat meal can slow the body's metabolism, potentially contributing to weight gain. Researchers questioned study participants about the pr...

  • 蜂鸟的新陈代谢同等消耗葡萄糖与果糖

    13-12-06 Hummingbird metabolism is a marvel(奇迹) of evolutionary engineering. These tiny birds can power all of their energetic hovering flight by burning the sugar contained in the floral nectar(花蜜) of their diet. Now new research from the University...

  • 研究人员对游离脂肪酸有新发现

    13-10-23 The current global epidemic of obesity-linked diabetes and its associated consequences -cardiovascular, neurological and renal(肾脏的) diseases -- is a growing public health problem for which therapeutic options are limited. In obesity, fatty acid...

  • 狐猴冬眠暗含睡眠的奥秘

    13-09-05 By studying hibernation, a Duke University team is providing a window into why humans sleep. Observations of a little-known primate called the fat-tailed dwarf lemur(狐猴) in captivity and the wild has revealed that it goes for days without the de...

  • 使用手机会对脑活动产生影响

    11-02-24 In a preliminary study, researchers found that 50-minute cell phone use was associated with increased brain glucose(葡萄糖) metabolism (a marker of brain activity) in the region closest to the phone antenna(天线,触角) , but the finding is of un...
