• 黑猩猩母亲剖腹产两天后与宝宝团聚

    22-12-31 This is the moment a chimpanzee was reunited with her newborn. 这是黑猩猩妈妈和它的新生儿团聚的时刻。 Mahale the chimp gave birth via Caesarean section performed by two doctors. 这只名叫玛哈莉的黑猩猩通过剖腹产分娩,手术由两名医生主刀。 The baby chi...

  • 人生要活在当下

    20-09-10 The problem is, I think in most of our lives the root suffering is following that brain noise and listening to that brain noise and actually identifying with it as if its who you are. Thats just the noise your brain makes you know and more often tha...
