• 近两年6种抗癌新药获批上市

    19-08-06 Six new medicines for the treatment of malignant tumors have been approved to enter the Chinese market in the past two years, offering more choices for patients, according to the Department of Major Science and Technology Project of the Ministry of...

  • 如何才能保证假期安全 下

    16-08-13 13. Do bear in mind, though, that many stomach upsets are largely preventable by following good personal hygiene practice and taking care of what you eat and drink. 14. Put together a comprehensive first aid kit to take with you and make sure it is...

  • 艾菊可用于治疗疱疹

    11-02-23 For centuries tansy(艾菊) has been used as a folk remedy(偏方) , but now scientists from Britain and Spain believe the plant may have medical benefits after all, as a treatment for herpes(疱疹) . The team's findings, published in Phytotherapy...

  • 演员布兰妮·墨菲“死于肺炎”

    10-02-05 US actress Brittany Murphy died of pneumonia, a Los Angeles coroner has ruled. 一位洛杉矶验尸官判定,演员布兰妮墨菲死于肺炎。 Coroner's spokesman Craig Harvey added that iron- deficiency缺乏 anaemia贫血,无活力 and multiple drug intoxication were se...
