23-01-30 The next day, all the news channels aired footage of Bellwether in an orange jumpsuit, being led to jail. Former mayor Dawn Bellwether is behind bars today, guilty of masterminding the savage attacks that have plagued Zootopia of late, said a newsca...
18-05-13 As Italy struggles to deal with burgeoning populations of an introduced giant rodent, a mayor has come up with a novel solution - eat them. 从国外引进的一种体型较大的啮齿动物河狸鼠泛滥成灾,意大利正疲于应对,而此时一名市长想出了一个新办法,那就是,...
17-05-16 Frances new President Emmanuel Macron on Monday appointed Edouard Philippe as prime minister, announced Alexis Kohler, French presidents secretary general. 法国新任总统马克龙周一任命爱德华菲利普为总理,亚丽克西斯科勒为总统秘书长。 The appointment ca...
17-02-08 Beijing and Tianjin are planning a monthly pass for high-speed intercity trains linking the cities, as well as canceling expressway toll fees between the two cities, the mayor of Tianjin said on Monday. 天津市长周一表示,计划对连接北京与天津之间高速...
16-10-06 Romes mayor has announced her opposition to Italys bid to host the Olympic Games in 2024, in a move that is likely to mean the end of the capitals ambitious campaign. 罗马市长表态反对意大利申办2024年奥运会,这可能为罗马期待已久的申奥之旅画上句号。 V...
13-11-22 据美国媒体11月20日报道,爱达荷州小镇阿尔比恩近日的镇长竞选不分胜负,最终通过投掷硬币决定谁当下任镇长。 KMVT CBS 11 reports that the town of Albion, Idaho recently decided who would be mayor for the next term with...a coin toss. This past Election Da...
13-11-19 The Toronto city council has voted to strip Mayor Rob Ford of most of his authority, as the embattled city leader resists growing pressure to step down. 多伦多市议会通过了剥夺市长罗伯福特大部分权力的决议,这位四面楚歌的市领导面对不断增长的压力拒绝下...