• status-gap marriage 格差婚

    12-04-24 A status-gap marriage is one in which there is a clear gap in income, pedigree, social status, etc. between the husband and wife. The phrase usually refers to marriages in which a woman marries beneath herself, such as the marriage between Japanese...

  • 让你的婚姻永远保鲜

    10-11-04 Of all the misconceptions(错误的想法) about love, the most powerful and pervasive(普遍深入的) is the belief that falling in love is love or at least one of the manifestations(显现,表示) of love. -- M. SCOTT PECK People who are married or in c...

  • 东南亚越来越多的男性被迫娶外籍媳妇

    10-07-31 Increasing numbers of southeast Asian men, particularly in Japan, South Korea and China Taiwan are marrying foreigners because fewer women in their homelands are willing to wed, a new study said Monday. 本周一发布的一项最新调查称,由于当地的愿嫁女越...

  • 研究:现代婚姻的最大威胁是十二年之痒

    10-07-25 Seven-years has traditionally been the time when love and affection give way to disillusion and disappointment. 传统观点认为,七年是婚姻的一个坎,结婚到了这个年头,爱情渐渐变淡,取而代之的是幻想的破灭和失望。 Relationship threat: The majority of cou...
