• rumors and slanders 流言蜚语

    21-06-09 流言蜚语,原指没有根据的话,现在多指在别人背后散布的诬蔑、中伤的说法。可以翻译为unfounded rumors and malicious gossip,rumors and slanders等。散布流言蜚语翻译为spread rumors。 例句: 流言蜚语满天飞。 There are a lot of unproven allegations flying ar...

  • 假冒反病毒软件威胁网络安全

    10-04-29 Fake anti-virus software that infect PCs with malicious code are a growing threat, according to a study by Google. Google的一项调查显示,假冒反病毒软件可使电脑感染恶意代码,成为一个日益增长的威胁。 Fake anti virus is often distributed through advert...

  • 泰格·伍兹回应车祸“虚假谣言”

    09-11-30 Tiger Woods has hit out at unfounded rumours circulating since his car accident in the early hours of Friday. 泰格伍兹对上周五早些时候发生的一起车祸所流传出来的毫无根据的谣言进行回击。 Woods has been at the top of the profession for many years The g...
