• make a joke of something 付之一笑

    22-11-28 表达 make a joke of something 的意思是 取笑、嘲笑或幽默地谈论一个本该严肃对待的事情,也就是我们常说的 对付之一笑。 例句 You shouldnt make a joke of peoples hardships. 你不应该拿别人的困难开玩笑。 They made a joke about their boss ability, but it was...

  • make or break 成败在此一举

    22-11-28 表达 make or break 的意思是 不成则败,成败在此一举,用来谈论 关乎某件事情结果成败的关键时刻、决定或时间点,比如一个重要的工作项目。它的合成形容词是 make-or-break,意思是 事关成败的。 例句 The decision to relaunch the product with new marketing could...

  • Did I make myself clear enough? 我都说明白了吗?

    22-06-07 Did I make myself clear enough? 我都说明白了吗?/我讲得清楚吗?/你清楚了吗? 回答这个问题也有同学会直接按问句回复,说我清楚了为Im clear,这个说法也是不正确的。 可以说成Its clear to me。意思是我明白、理解了它的意思,而Im clear的意思其实是我清楚地表达...

  • 有关make的习语和表达 7

    22-05-10 25.make someone tick to be responsible for how someone acts in life 激发对某事的责任心 His love of music makes him tick. 他对音乐的爱使自己倍受鼓舞。 What makes you tick? What really gets you excited? 什么让你倍受鼓舞?什么让你如此兴奋? 26.make som...

  • 有关make的习语和表达 6

    22-05-10 21.make light of something to joke about something serious 不在乎、轻视某事 I think you need to make light of the whole situation. What good does it do to worry so much? 我觉得你不用把整个形势看得太重了,有什么好担心的? They made light of the mista...

  • 有关make的习语和表达 5

    22-05-10 17.make arrangements to do everything needed in order to be sure that something is done properly 做好全部筹备,以确定处理妥当 Ill make arrangements for this to be shipped to Japan. 我会安排好把这些运往日本。 We made arrangements for the meeting next...

  • 有关make的习语和表达 4

    22-05-10 13.make a scene to become very upset and vocal so that others notice you 表现得非常不高兴,吵吵闹闹以至于别人注意到你。 The little girl made a scene every time her mother didnt immediately buy her what she wanted. 每次只要妈妈不给她买想要的东西,这...

  • 有关make的习语和表达 3

    22-05-10 9.make a living to earn money in a profession or trade 用工作来谋生 He makes a living selling insurance to the elderly. 他通过向老年人售卖保险为生。 Can you make a good living by teaching? 你是以教书为生吗? 10.make a name for oneself to become famo...

  • 有关make的习语和表达 2

    22-05-10 5.make a fool out of someone to trick someone and make them look bad 欺骗某人,使他们难堪。 She made a fool out of him and then left him for another man. 她欺骗了他,然后把他扔给了别人。 I dont think youll ever make a fool out of me. 我觉得你不会骗...