• 狮子座 Leo

    22-05-26 earnest 真挚 self-confident 自信 modest 谦虚的 generous 慷慨 broad-minded 心胸宽广 pompous 浮夸 passionate 有激情的 magnetic 有吸引力...

  • 鸟类如何利用地球磁场帮助导航迁徙

    21-09-17 鸟类如何长途跋涉,飞越海洋和陆地?科学家离揭开这个谜团又近了一步。 Scientists studied the robin a familiar garden bird that can sometimes migrate flying alone, at night and often over great distances. They identified a magnetically sensitive molecul...

  • 科学家解释地球的北磁极移动现象

    20-11-17 欧洲的科学家们认为他们现在能有把握地描述出是什么导致了地球北磁极的漂移。近年来,地球北磁极已从加拿大移向西伯利亚。 At the top of the world, there is a place where magnetic field lines point vertically into the Earths surface. Its called the North Ma...

  • 中国将发射首枚地震监测卫星

    17-01-19 A Chinese-made electromagnetic test satellite will be launched in the second half of 2017 to monitor earthquakes. It will be the first satellite of its kind for China. 一枚中国制造的电磁感应卫星将于2017年下半年被发射进入太空,这是中国首枚同类型的卫...

  • 野猪与疣猪体内可能有生物罗盘

    16-06-23 New research suggests for the first time that wild boars and wart hogs have an internal magnetic compass that helps them orient themselves as they forage for food and inhabit new areas. For the study, investigators observed 1614 wild boars at 31 dif...

  • 太空气象风暴易引发范艾伦辐射带

    16-06-21 Earths magnetosphere, the region of space dominated by Earths magnetic field, protects our planet from the harsh battering of the solar wind. Like a protective shield, the magnetosphere absorbs and deflects plasma from the solar wind which originate...

  • 地球的磁场靠什么维持?

    16-06-02 Earths magnetic field shields us from deadly cosmic radiation, and without it, life as we know it could not exist here. The motion of liquid iron in the planets outer core, a phenomenon called a geodynamo, generates the field. But how it was first c...

  • 氧化锰的磁相互作用

    16-05-25 For nearly 60 years, scientists have been trying to determine how manganese oxide (MnO) achieves its long-range magnetic order of alternating up and down electron spins. Now, a team of scientists has used their recently developed mathematical approa...

  • 超导体理论的缺陷

    16-04-09 University of Houston physicists report finding major theoretical flaws in the generally accepted understanding of how a superconductor traps and holds a magnetic field. More than 50 years ago, C.P. Bean, a scientist at General Electric, developed a...

  • 磁场对地球上生命的出现有重要作用

    16-03-17 Nearly four billion years ago, life arose on Earth. Life appeared because our planet had a rocky surface, liquid water, and a blanketing atmosphere. But life thrived thanks to another necessary ingredient: the presence of a protective magnetic field...