• 吵架必备神句-卷福篇

    22-08-02 You have a lot of nerve. 你脸皮可真厚。 Ive had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话. What do you want?你想怎样? Do you know what time it is?你知道现在都几点了吗? What were you thinking!你脑子进水了? How can you say that?你怎么能这么说?...

  • barking mad 完全疯了

    21-08-19 在英语里,bark 做为动词是狗叫的意思。短语 barking mad 是形容某人完全疯了的状态,同时也能形容某个不理智或疯狂的决定。 例句 I went out wearing sandals even though it was raining. Everyone was looking at me as if I were barking mad. My neighbour is bar...

  • mad with anger 怒不可遏

    21-08-02 怒不可遏,汉语成语,意思是愤怒得难以抑制,形容十分愤怒。可以翻译为mad with anger,in ones uncontrollable furies或ones fury knows no bounds等。 例句: 他怒不可遏,把照片撕得粉碎。 In a gush of uncontrollable anger he tore the picture into pieces....

  • as mad as a March hare 疯疯癫癫

    21-07-14 口语表达as mad as a March hare 像三月的野兔一样疯狂用来形容人极度疯狂或非常愚蠢。这是因为每值春季繁殖期,兔子会表现出一系列激动无常的行为,就像发狂一样疯疯癫癫的。 另一个与它意思相近的表达是as mad as a hatter 像帽匠一样古怪疯狂。有观点称,这两种说法...

  • as mad as a hatter 疯疯癫癫

    21-05-09 这句话直译成汉语的意思是 像帽匠一样疯狂,在口语中被用来形容人 性格古怪。据说,人们之所以用 hatter 做帽子的人 比喻人 精神不正常、愚蠢,是因为在过去,很多帽匠因长期暴露在做帽子必需的重金属材料周围而不幸中毒。人们常用 as mad as a hatter 来友好地形容人...

  • 与帽子有关的短语

    17-01-24 old hat 陈腐过时的 如果什么东西因年久而被视为陈腐过时了的时候,那么就可以用这个比喻性短语老帽子来形容。 Ill eat my hat 绝不可能 Ill eat my hat 我会吃了我的帽子,这个表达的实际意思是说一件事情绝对不可能发生。 to throw your hat into the ring 欣然迎战...
