• 国内民航公司推出“行李到家”服务

    22-04-13 新冠疫情让国内外航空公司受到史无前例的重创。为了求生存求发展,国内民航公司纷纷求新求变,推出行李到家等服务,希望能以优质的服务和舒适的体验来吸引客流。 Domestic airlines are taking the brunt of financial pressures caused by the latest resurgence of t...

  • luggage claim 行李领取处

    22-02-22 我们说找,寻找,第一反应都是find,但find在英文里侧重的是寻找遗失的物品,所以你说了find,那么多半机场工作人员,会给你带到失物招领处。其实我们说的找行李,只是想问去哪里拿行李,也就是行李认领,正确的说法是claim,行李领取处就是luggage claim。 I cant fin...

  • 和“飞行”有关的英语表达

    21-10-02 每年12月7日是由联合国设立的国际民用航空日(International Civil Aviation Day)。如果你经常乘坐飞机出差、旅行的话,那么不妨试着做一做本集的小测验题,学习六个与航空飞行有关的词汇或表达。 1. Before you fly, you have to do this. You can do it online or a...

  • 可以收纳全部行李的逆天“机场夹克”

    17-02-24 Designed to help frequent flyers bypass airport baggage queues, reduce baggage fees and virtually eliminate the risk of lost luggage, this modular Airport Jacket features 14 pockets and two detachable pocket panels that fit around 15 kilograms of lu...

  • 法国老人将妻子藏行李箱偷运回国被逮捕

    15-04-04 A French pensioner was arrested for trying to smuggle his new Russian bride home in a suitcase - before discovering she was free to travel anywhere in the EU. 一名法国退休老人因为试图将新婚的俄罗斯妻子藏在行李箱中偷运回国而被逮捕,结果他发现,他的新...

  • 滑板车行李箱 赶时间神器

    14-10-24 Ever wished you could clamber aboard your cumbersome luggage to zoom down a hill or coast through an airport? 有没有想过有一天你能跨上你那笨重的行李箱,让它带你滑下山或穿行机场呢? Driven by the same desire, Slovenian frequent flier Bostjan Zagar ha...

  • Traveling With Diabetes

    13-05-29 Follow this advice before you hit the road: test strips, lancets(小刀) , ketone(酮) strips, and other supplies so there's no chance of losing them. Consider bringing extra supplies in your checked luggage. Make sure all medications bear the orig...

  • carry-on luggage 随身携带行李

    13-01-28 The hijacking means passengers in Shanghai are now more likely to be asked to remove shoes and belts and to open carry-on luggage for thorough searches. 此次劫机事件后,上海机场的乘客们过安检的时候,需要脱鞋、解皮带,打开随身携带行李接受仔细检查的几...

  • Soft-sided luggage 软面行李箱

    13-01-24 Soft-sided luggage refers to an employee whose talent and multi-tasking abilities allows him or her to take on assignment after assignment. They, like soft-side luggage, seemingly expand to handle the workload. Of course, they completely collapse on...

  • Excellent Skills 绝妙的技巧

    10-02-24 Excellent Skills After friends of mine landed at busy Newwark Airport, they were unable to attract the attention of any porters to help with their luggage. In desperation, the husband took out a five-dollar bill and waved it above the crowd. In an i...
