• 《模仿游戏》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. I will not repeat myself. 我不会再说第二遍。 2. So unless one of you have an apron in your car, I suggest you file your reports and leave mealone. 所以,你们俩谁的车里有条围裙,否则,我建议你们还是带上你们的报告,赶紧走人吧! 3. Best of luck with...

  • trust to luck 听天由命,靠运气行事

    22-11-30 搭配 trust to luck 的意思是 相信会有好运,希望某事能碰巧成功。这意味着你无法改变现状,所以 听天由命,靠运气行事。 例句 Weve sent out all the invitations to the party in the post, and now we have to trust to luck all the guests receive them in time....

  • a stroke of luck 交好运

    22-11-30 搭配 a stroke of luck 指 意料之外、无从预测但结果却有利的情况或事件。 例句 After my car broke down, my friend drove past and helped. It was a stroke of luck she was driving down the same road. 我的车抛锚后,我朋友正巧开车路过帮了忙。真是走运,当时她...

  • be the luck of the draw 全靠运气

    22-11-28 表达 be the luck of the draw 的意思是 听天由命,全靠运气。它用来描述 无法控制结果,因此结局如何完全取决于运气的情况。这个表达有时也可以说成 be down to the luck of the draw,意思相同。 例句 Tickets for the conference will be distributed at random. It...

  • a run of luck 一连串好运或厄运

    22-11-28 搭配 a run of luck 指 一段时期内发生的事件总是走运或不走运。一连串好运 是 a run of good luck,而 一连串厄运 就是 a run of bad luck。 例句 After failing to get another job, Jackson wondered when his run of bad luck in interviews would end. 在又一次找...

  • have bad luck 水逆

    22-08-29 水逆 ,即水星逆行(Mercury Retrograde),本是占星学上的一种说法。从占星学(astrology)上来看,水逆现象会影响记忆、交通、通讯等,延缓事情的进展,甚至制造障碍,惹人不快。 在网络用语中,水逆通常表示have bad luck,be out of luck, fall on evil days,在诸...

  • dumb luck 发生了意想不到的好事

    22-08-17 dumb作形容词有哑的、无声的意思。但dumb luck却与哑毫不相干,它是一种非正式用法,常用于口语中,指发生了意想不到的好事,尤指这事本不会发生。例如:It was just dumb luck that we found the place at all. (我们发现了那个地方纯属巧合。)又如: A: How come hur...

  • Shit口语用法大全 上

    22-08-08 1.它既可以表示可怕的、极讨厌的,也可以表示极好的 That movie was shit! 那部电影是烂片! That movie was the shit! 那部电影非常好。 注意:当 shit前面加了the时,它就表示真的很好,好中之好。注意the shit中特别强调the。 2.表示处于非常糟糕的境地 -That sound...

  • 接地气儿的习语 2

    22-07-05 No strings attached 无附加条件;毫无保留 例句: We are giving away free t-shirts, no strings attached. 我们免费赠送T恤,无任何附加条件。 Hop in 上车 例句: Hop in. You can ride with me to the grocery store. 上车,你可以搭我的车去商店。 Ill be down...

  • 英国人常说的一些习惯用法 下

    22-04-25 6、cheesed off fed up, disgusted or angry. (*Typically: be ~; get ~; get someone ~.) 无法忍受,反感或生气。(常用作:be cheesed off; get cheesed off; get someone cheesed off.) Clare was really cheesed off at the waiter. 克莱尔真的无法忍受那个服务员...