• 吉利将在武汉工厂生产莲花汽车

    19-01-18 Zhejiang Geely will manufacture cars for the British badge Lotus at a new nine billion yuan (1.3 billion U.S. dollar) plant in Wuhan, according to a report by Reuters. 浙江吉利将在武汉一座价值90亿元(13亿美元)的新工厂里制造英国莲花汽车。 According...

  • Lotus Eaters

    14-08-27 On the tenth day after leaving Troy, Odysseus and his men came to an island, where the people only took lotus fruit and flowers as their food. This plant had such a magic effect on its eaters that it could make them forget their past and produce a d...

  • 莲花基因组成功定序

    13-05-13 The sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is a symbol of spiritual purity and longevity. Its seeds can survive up to 1,300 years, its petals and leaves repel(击退,抵制) grime(尘垢,污点) and water, and its flowers generate heat to attract pollinators...
