• wasteman 废人

    22-09-27 全球政治使得一些俚语全球化了。唐纳德特朗普于本周出访英国,但并非人人都对此感到激动。英国谢菲尔德市长MagidMagid通过特朗普最爱的媒体推特网,直接发推表示禁止特朗普进入他的南约克郡城市。 我,MagidMagid,这座城市的市长,宣布唐纳德J特朗普不仅是一名废人,...

  • 《绿灯侠》五

    12-11-16 影片对白 Thaal Sinestro: So...this is the human. When I learned Abin Sur's ring had chosen you, I said there had to be a mistake. I see nothing to change my mind. I'll take it from here, Kilowog. The Corps is only as strong as its weakest link . And...
