• trade on his good looks 靠颜值

    22-02-08 如何用英文表达明明可以靠颜值? 查字典时不小心碰到了trade on,韦氏词典中有一个例句,看了一眼就记住了: He wants to succeed by working hard instead of just trading on his good looks. 这里的trade on his good looks就是靠颜值。...

  • 衣着性感会让女性看起来更聪慧

    17-03-27 It feels like women are constantly being told what to wear in order to make them look better, slimmer and more attractive because, believe it or not, in 2017 women are still being judged primarily by their looks. Yawn. 不断有人告诫女性应该如何穿着,...

  • window looker 照窗族

    16-05-08 A window looker refers to someone who compulsively looks into windows of buildings, stores or parked cars to check out their hair, their teeth, and everything about their appearance. People who usually behave like this are either having a strong sen...

  • The fox and the leopard 狐狸和美洲豹

    15-04-07 A fox and a leopard are having a rest lazily after a good dinner. They have fun by arguing about their good looks. The leopard is very proud of his good coat and says that the looks of the fox are not as good as it. The fox is proud of his fine tail...

  • 避孕药影响女性对另一半的偏好

    13-04-03 Contrary to popular belief, a strong jaw and masculine looks may not be what all women want, a new study has revealed. 一项新研究揭示,和大众观念相反,不是所有女人都喜欢强壮的下巴和男性化的外表。 Women taking the contraceptive pill actually prefer m...

  • 研究:美貌和学历一样好使

    11-12-31 Good-looking people worried about higher education shouldn't worry. Beauty is every bit as good as a BA when it comes to getting on, a new study says. 那些为高等学历发愁的帅哥美女们不用再愁了。一项新研究称,在职场竞争中,美貌和学历一样好使。 Researc...
