• 现代伐木技术对雨林生物有益

    15-03-03 New research has highlighted the value of a modern logging technique for maintaining biodiversity in tropical forests that are used for timber production. Researchers at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) at the University of K...

  • 伐木对土壤中碳平衡的影响是缓慢的

    14-12-03 Logging doesn't immediately jettison carbon stored in a forest's mineral soils into the atmosphere but triggers a gradual release that may contribute to climate change over decades, a Dartmouth College study finds. The results are the first evidence...

  • 利比里亚原始雨林遭到严重破坏

    12-09-04 Uncontrolled logging is posing a risk to Liberia's virgin rainforests and depriving people of economic benefits, campaign group Global Witness warns. 全球见证组织警告,滥砍滥伐对利比里亚的原始雨林造成威胁并夺取了人们的经济收益。 Up to 60% of Liberia...

  • 山区过度伐木易诱发雪崩

    12-03-30 Scientists with the UBC Avalanche Research Group have been studying the impact of clear-cut logging on avalanche(雪崩) terrain in British Columbia. Understanding avalanche behavior and its destructive potential is an important factor in assessing...

  • 过时的伐木方式导致高水土流失

    10-10-20 Clear-cut logging and related road-building in the 1950s and 1960s in southern Oregon's Siskiyou Mountains disrupted(破坏,分裂) soil stability and led to unprecedented soil erosion made worse during heavy rainstorms, report University of Oregon r...
