• 地方银行加大对初创科技企业的金融支持

    22-10-17 为了支持科技创新,安徽和天津银保监局出台多项金融支持政策,引导辖内银行和保险公司加大对初创科技企业的金融资源供应,推出专属金融产品和服务。 The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commissions Anhui and Tianjin offices guided banks and insurers in...

  • 西方领导人将非洲债务危机归咎于中国是在转移注意力

    22-07-28 西方国家频频抹黑中国给非洲带来债务危机,但英国活动团体债务正义7月11日发布的最新调查显示,非洲国家欠西方银行、资产管理公司和石油交易商的债务,是其欠中国债务的3倍;前者收取的利率也是中国的两倍。债务正义政策负责人蒂姆琼斯指出:西方领导人将非洲的债务危...

  • 国家助学贷款额度提高

    21-09-16 近日,财政部、教育部、人民银行、银保监会联合印发《关于进一步完善国家助学贷款政策的通知》。 Undergraduate students can apply for a maximum of 12,000 yuan in loans per person each year starting from this fall semester, according to the notice. Postgra...

  • 小额贷款能消除贫困?

    11-06-12 Small loans, somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 to $500 dollars, are an increasingly popular weapon in the fight to reduce poverty. Called microcredit, institutions dole out(少量发放) these monetary advances to help extremely poor people engage...
