• Digestive Function of the Liver

    14-12-09 Sometimes referred to as the great chemical factory of the body, the liver creates, regulates, and stores a variety of substances used by the gastrointestinal system, and it serves a number of important digestive functions. The main digestive chemic...

  • The Liver Up Close

    14-12-09 When viewed under a microscope, the liver is seen as large network of units called hepatic lobules. The hepatic lobule is very small and looks like a six-sided cylinder. The lobule itself is surrounded by connective tissue and has 5 to 7 clusters of...

  • Anatomy of the Liver

    14-12-09 The anterior surface of the liver is triangular in shape, made of two lobes. The right lobe is the larger of the two, measuring 6 to 7 inches in length. The left lobe is 3 inches in length. Ligaments connect the upper surface of the liver to the dia...

  • Liver Cancer

    14-12-04 There is no consensus regarding the optimal treatment of patients with liver tumors. This contributes to the pessimistic attitude that many have regarding the treatment of liver cancer. Aggressive treatment strategies can cure or significantly prolo...

  • 2036年丙肝将成为罕见病

    14-08-06 Effective new drugs and screening would make hepatitis C(丙型肝炎) a rare disease by 2036, according to a computer simulation conducted by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public...

  • 丙肝病人肝移植手术将现新希望

    14-04-15 New research announced at the International Liver CongressTM 2014 today provides new hope for the notoriously difficult-to-treat population of liver transplant patients with recurring hepatitis C (HCV). As part of a compassionate use program, 104 po...

  • 经常食用油炸食品会损害肝脏

    13-02-24 A new study shows that regularly eating fast food isn't just bad for your waistline, it can also damage your liver in ways that are surprisingly similar to hepatitis. 最新研究显示,经常食用快餐油炸食品不仅会让人肥胖,还会损害肝脏,而且对肝脏的损伤类...

  • 维生素E能降低患肝癌几率

    12-07-18 High consumption of vitamin E either from diet or vitamin supplements may lower the risk of liver cancer, according to a study published July 17 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Liver cancer is the third most common cause of cancer m...

  • 脂肪肝患者饮用咖啡能预防肝纤维化

    12-02-03 Caffeine consumption has long been associated with decreased risk of liver disease and reduced fibrosis(纤维化) in patients with chronic liver disease. Now, newly published research confirms that coffee caffeine consumption reduces the risk of adv...

  • 研究人员发现肝癌新疗法

    11-12-12 Cancer of the liver -- rare in the United States but the third-leading cause of cancer death worldwide -- can result from environmental exposures or infections like chronic hepatitis(肝炎) , but the link is poorly understood. Now, researchers at D...