• a sympathetic ear 有同情心的倾听者

    20-11-09 如果你有 a sympathetic ear(一只富有同情心的耳朵),你就会心怀同情地倾听某人的心声,以帮助此人。 在短语 a sympathetic ear 前,可以加上动词 offer 或 lend,即 offer/lend a sympathetic ear,来表示某人善解人意地倾听他人的苦衷。同样,a sympathetic ear 前...

  • Become a Better Listener

    15-03-18 I strongly believe that it is rather important to be a good listener. And although I have become a better listener than I was ten years ago, I have to admit I'm still only an adequate listener. Effective listening is more than simply avoiding the ba...
