• 如何评价一部电影——台词 lines

    22-05-11 The actress speaks out her part in a ringing voice. 女演员把台词念得清晰嘹亮。 His lines isnt more than three sides. 他的台词不超过三页。 The actors witty ad libs flavoured the whole performance. 那演员即兴插入的诙谐台词给整个演出增添了风趣。 In the...

  • implied meaning 言外之意

    22-04-02 言外之意,汉语成语,意思是有这个意思,但没有在话里明说出来。可以翻译为implied meaning,meaning behind ones words或meaning between the lines等。 例句: 领会言外之意 Read between the lines 你的言外之意是不是我不能胜任这份工作? Are you inferring Im no...

  • 朝韩将恢复军事通信线路

    18-06-15 South Korea and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) agreed Thursday to completely restore military communication lines along the eastern and western areas after holding general-grade talks, Seouls defense ministry said. 本周四,韩国与朝...

  • 缅甸政府向宇通客车购买1000辆公交

    17-04-17 Myanmars Yangon regional government had entered a contract with Chinese Yutong company for buying over 1,000 buses to supply Yangon Bus Services System, official media reported Saturday. 缅甸官方媒体周六报道,仰光地方政府与中国宇通客车公司签署一份协...

  • 大众最喜爱的电影台词

    14-11-10 Of all the great lines, in all the films, it all had to come down to a plastic spaceman. 在所有电影中,最经典的台词来自一个宇航员造型的塑料玩具。 According to a new poll, the greatest line in movie history is Buzz Lightyear's catchphrase: 'To infini...

  • 英国人平均能忍受的排队时间为10分42秒

    10-11-13 A nation renowned for the art of queuing may be losing its patience, a survey has shown, with the average British adult able to stand in line for only 10 minutes and 42 seconds before tempers start to fray. 一项调查显示,向来以喜欢排队著称的英国人可...
