• out on a limb 冒险

    22-07-04 Out on a limb 出来站到枝干上 含义: 作某种冒险,让自己处于某种困难或有风险的境地。 例句: Sam had a secure job with a high salary, but he dreamed about owning a restaurant. Last year, he went out on a limb and quit his job to open a small restaurant....

  • out on a limb 处于危境、孤立无援

    21-07-22 当你处于 out on a limb 的情况时,这就是说你处于一个孤立无援或者是比较危险的状态。这并不意味你的身体将受到伤害,而更多的是指一个人的处境不利,会造成尴尬或者失望。 例句 Im going to go out on a limb here and tell you that I love you. She really went ou...

  • 截肢病人容易出现幻肢心理

    10-09-26 After the loss of a limb, most patients experience the feeling of a phantom(幻觉的,幽灵的) limb the vivid illusion that the amputated(截肢) arm or leg is still present. Damage to the nervous system, such as stroke, may cause similar illusions i...
