• a pack of lies 谎话连篇

    21-07-14 这是一个和撒谎有关的表达,如果一个人所说的话是 a pack of lies,意思是此人叙述的一系列故事、经历等从头到尾全是假话。其中,量词词组 a pack of 指一堆、一群,用来形容某人谎话连篇、一派胡言。 另一个含义相同的正式说法是a tissue of lies,在这里,名词 tissu...

  • slippery slope 滑坡效应

    17-02-23 Slippery slope is a process or series of events that is hard to stop or control once it has begun and that usually leads to worse or more difficult things. 滑坡效应指的是一旦开始便难以阻止或驾驭的一系列事件或过程,通常会导致更糟糕、更困难的结果。 Te...

  • 小时候听过的各种善意谎言

    16-01-23 Traumatised Reddit users have revealed the little white lies they were told as children - and many believed until adulthood. 网友们在红迪网上晒出了小时候听过的各种善意的谎言,表示很受伤有些人甚至直到成年后才发现那些话是假的。 From being told they're...

  • black lie 黑色谎言

    14-09-25 In contrary to white lies, which refers to well-intentioned lies, such as parents' lies about Santa Claus, black lies refers to malicious lies. 白色谎言指善意的谎言,比如父母关于圣诞老人的谎言。和白色谎言相反,黑色谎言指的是恶意的谎言。 White lies a...

  • Mercury and The Tradesmen

    13-10-24 When Jupiter was creating man, he told Mercury to make an infusion(灌输,浸泡) of lies and to add a little of it to the other ingredients which went to the making of the tradesmen. Mercury did so, and introduced an equal amount into each in turn-t...

  • 多数父母对孩子撒谎以改变其行为

    13-01-23 Most parents tells lies to their children as a tactic to change their behaviour, suggests a study of families in the United States and China. 一项基于美国盒中国的家庭研究显示,多数父母向孩子撒谎作为改变其行为的一种手段。 The most frequent example wa...

  • Blind date lies 相亲谎言

    12-07-19 Blind date lies are social formulae that are frequently used out of courtesy in blind dates, the most popular one is said to be lets keep in touch. 相亲谎言(blind date lie)就是相亲时出于礼貌而说的一些客套话,其中最常用的一句是以后再联系。 A survey...
