• Good lenses, bad frames 真人不露相

    20-12-26 假如你去眼镜店配眼镜,你买了一副特别高级的水晶石镜片,却配了一个塑料镜框。当你戴上这副眼镜的时候,估计没几个人能看出来它们真正的价值所在。这就是我们今天要说的这个最新表达good lenses, bad frames,好镜片,赖镜框,真人不露相。 Good lenses, bad frames i...

  • 平板透镜能提高太阳能电池的效率

    14-02-11 Micro-machining could be used to create almost flat, Fresnel lenses, that boost the electrical efficiency of solar panels, according to researchers in China. Fresnel lenses were invented by French engineer and scientist Augustin-Jean Fresnel, in the...
