• weisure 工闲

    15-02-25 Weisure (work + leisure) refers to free time spent doing work or work-related tasks. Weisure time is fitting fun around work, rather than fitting work around fun. Its kind of like eating lunch at your desk. 工闲(英文weisure就是work+leisuire)指的是...

  • time confetti 时间碎片

    14-09-02 Time confetti refers to brief scraps of leisure time scattered throughout a persons day. 时间碎片指的是一个人一天中零碎的休闲时间。 Example: What are the most frequent contributors to your time confetti? If you could convert all of your confetti int...

  • leisure guilt 休假愧疚心理

    12-12-28 Leisure guilt is the guilt that comes with taking a vacation or a day off from work. You're so anxiety-ridden about the work you're leaving behind (or will be returning to) that it's less painful not to take time off. Leisure guilt指休假或请假期间伴...

  • Leisure quotient 玩商

    11-08-10 Leisure quotient (LQ)is an index used to describe the ability to relax and play, which psychologists say is important to contentment and future achievement. A high LQ usually means that the person has a good command on his life, knows how to explo...

  • 调查:男性每天休闲时间比女性多半小时

    10-03-13 Men enjoy half an hour more of leisure time each day than women, a report claims. 日前发布的一项报告称,男性每天的休闲时间比女性多半个小时。 Women have 30 minutes less time to enjoy themselves every day. The international survey found that men spent...

  • 放假就得“休闲病” leisure sickness

    09-07-29 工作压力太大、生活节奏太紧张的时候,大家都会渴望假期。可是,等假期真正到来的时候,想睡懒觉却睡不着了,什么活都不干却落得腰酸背疼,看到垂涎已久的美食也兴奋不起来。这到底是怎么了?难道是得了leisure sickness(休闲病)? Leisure sickness has been identi...
