16-05-17 The Doubles Kara van de Graaf In the dressing room at Macys, I run into all my old bodies. We are reunited when I hear them shuffling in the walls, sense them beneath the dirty carpet. Their hips lurching out of drywall. Their breasts swelling again...
15-10-28 If you thought wearing a pair of tights is a simple matter, you'd be wrong. A male scientist has devised a mathematical formula to help women choose the perfect pair of tights to keep their legs warm this winter. 如果你以为穿一件紧身袜是件简单的事,...
15-05-04 A cat who prefers to stand up on two paws has become the latest feline internet sensation, thanks to his super strong back legs. 最近有一只猫在网上迅速蹿红,它用两只后腿站立的萌姿俘获了大批网友。 George, the Munchkin-Exotic Short Hair cross, perches...
14-12-04 He has numbness and tingling in his hands and fingers. 他的手和指头感到麻木和刺痛。 His legs become painful following strenuous exercise. 激烈运动后,他的腿就痛。 His knee is misshapen or unable to move. 他的膝盖有点畸形,也不能动。 There are some s...
14-11-12 The centipede waits by the hole of the earthworm, wants to eat it when thee is an opportunity. But the earthworm hiding in the hole suddenly sticks out its head and breaks one of the centipede's legs when the centipede is not alert. Angered by this,...
14-10-27 Empty legs are private jet flights where there happens to be nobody on-board, at least not until you come in. Private jet charter firms, realizing that their aircraft have to return to base at some point and often do so without the human cargo they...
14-09-02 Split skirts are the best way to show just the right amount of skin. They are chic and modern, and the peek-a-boo glances of legs underneath give a hint of sexiness for the summer. 开叉裙能恰到好处地露出皮肤,漂亮又时尚。美腿在裙摆撩起的时候若隐若现...
14-06-24 Jue is kind of beast in north. Its forelegs are as short as those of a mouse; rear legs are as long as those of a hare. When it walks so fast, it will fall down sometimes. When it runs, it falls head even more frequently. Whenever Jue has spare time...
14-06-13 外国媒体报道,3年前,南非一名殡仪馆女老板在安葬一具男性尸体时遇到了难题,男性死者个子太高,无法塞进棺材里,于是吩咐员工将其腿锯掉。如今,这位女老板涉嫌毁损他人遗体被告上法庭。 A undertaker(承办人) who ordered staff to saw off the legs of a corpse...
14-03-06 A legsie is a photo, usually taken on your mobile phone, that you take by tucking the device under your chin and pointing it towards your outstretched legs whilst relaxing. The legsie has two key facets: first, the legs themselves, their bronzed aur...