• look before you leap 三思而后行

    22-01-22 当长辈规劝晚辈做事要考虑后果,不可冲动,以免造成不可挽回的损失时,常常说要三思而后行。 三思而后行,出自《论语》,意思是多次思考再行动(think twice before you do),形容做事谨慎,小心稳妥。与英文谚语look before you leap意思相近,表示carefully conside...

  • leap of faith 信心的跳跃

    21-12-17 当你 take a leap of faith, 这就意味着你对一件事情有信心,准备搏一搏,虽然这是属于比较冒险的行为。 例句 I took a leap of faith by buying shares in my friends new company. Ive been offered a new job but I really dont know what it will be like. Its a r...

  • 为什么闰年不是每四年一次

    20-09-19 2020 is a leap year, and as we all know leap years happen every four years, right? Wrong. That extra day in February is designed to keep the Earth in sync with the astrological or seasonal year. But, what you might not realise is that the maths isnt...

  • Leap Day 闰日

    12-11-09 Today is Leap Day and for centuries has been traditionally associated with the idea of romance reversal as women take to one knee to propose to their men. 今天是闰日,也是几个世纪以来形成传统的女子主动向男子求婚的日子。 文中的leap day(又名intercalar...
