• laser jock 激光迷

    22-09-23 上周,加拿大副教授Donna Strickland与其他两位教授一起获得了诺贝尔物理学奖,她成为第三位获此奖项的女性,也是55年来以来的首位女性。诺贝尔委员会为表彰她在激光啁啾脉冲放大技术中所做的工作而授奖。 Strickland是激光物理学专家,但她喜欢将自己称为:a laser jo...

  • 中美科学家将石墨烯变成半导体

    19-05-31 U.S. and Chinese researchers used a laser technique to transform graphene into a semiconductor that may replace silicon on a computer chip in the future. 来自中国和美国的科研人员利用激光技术将石墨烯转变成一种半导体,这种半导体将来可能取代硅用于制作...

  • 中国首次完成地月激光测距

    18-01-24 China has accomplished its first successful Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR), with a 1.2-meter telescope laser ranging system. 中国利用一架1.2米的激光望远镜测距系统成功完成月球激光测距。 Based on the signals of laser pulses reflected by the lunar retro-ref...

  • 在硅片上打造首台量子级联激光器

    16-04-21 A team of researchers from across the country, led by Alexander Spott, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, have built the first quantum cascade laser on silicon. The advance may have applications that span from chemical bond spectroscopy a...

  • 中国成功测验无人驾驶客车

    15-09-08 A Chinese firm has announced it's successfully tested an unmanned passenger bus. 一家中国企业宣布成功测验运行一辆无人驾驶客车。 Yutong Bus says its 10.5-meter long bus has managed to successfully navigate around the testing area in the province of H...