• 幼鱼在群体中游得更快更稳定

    16-02-14 A recent study provides new evidence that larvae swim faster, straighter and more consistently in a common direction when together in a group. The research led by scientists at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric...

  • 躲避阳光黄蜂幼虫会跳到阴暗处

    15-12-25 Jumping is not about fun and games for insect larvae. They must do it to survive. This manoeuvre is all about finding a shady spot to develop in, according to researchers from Kyushu University in Japan, who led research into the jumping behavior of...

  • 中国内蒙古出土最古老的七鳃鳗幼鱼化石

    14-10-15 Few people devote time to pondering the ancient origins of the eel-like lamprey, yet the evolutionary saga of the bloodsucker holds essential clues to the biological roots of humanity. Today, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences publi...

  • 珊瑚幼虫在海洋中的史诗级传播历程

    13-08-22 A new computer simulation conducted at the University of Bristol (UB) and University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine Atmospheric Science has revealed the epic, ocean-spanning journeys travelled by millimetre-sized coral larvae through the...

  • 追踪珊瑚虫幼虫以加深对珊瑚的了解

    10-06-10 Scientists can predict almost to the hour when the reef-building rice coral off Oahu will spawn(产卵,大量生产) , but no one knows where the resulting floating coral larvae(幼虫,幼体) go. From June 11-16, 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey, the U...

  • 瓢虫充当马蜂幼虫的“免费保姆”

    09-11-18 Are ladybugs(瓢虫) being overtaken by wasps? A Universit de Montral entomologist(昆虫学者) is investigating a type of wasp(黄蜂,胡蜂) (Dinocampus coccinellae) present in Quebec that forces ladybugs (Coccinella maculata) to carry their larvae...
