• 华为发布新款MateBook X Pro笔记本电脑

    18-02-26 Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei on Sunday used the World Mobile Congress (MWC) which officially opens in Barcelona on Monday to launch their new MateBook X Pro laptop. 中国通讯行业巨头华为公司周日利用全球行动通讯大会发布新款MateBook X Pro笔...

  • 华为发布第一款高端笔记本MateBook X

    17-05-24 Chinese communications company Huawei has launched its first premium laptop - the MateBook X - in Berlin. 中国通信公司华为在柏林发布旗下第一款高端笔记本MateBook X。 Huawei is well known for its range of smartphones and is currently the third-largest...

  • laptop zombie 笔记本僵尸

    15-01-12 At a coffee shop or similar establishment that offers free wireless Internet, a person who is oblivious to everyone and everything except the screen in front of them is called a laptop zombie . 在咖啡馆等免费提供无线网的场所,那些对一切人事不闻不问...

  • 无线网络可能会造成男性不育

    11-12-03 Working on a laptop wirelessly may hamper a mans chances of fatherhood. 使用接入无线网络的笔记本电脑可能会造成男性不育。 In a study, sperm placed under a laptop connected to the internet through wi-fi suffered more damage than that kept at the same...

  • 笔记本无线网络可能影响精子质量

    10-11-13 A word of caution for men trying to have kids: your laptop may be impacting the quality of your sperm. 给那些想要小孩的男人提个醒:你的笔记本电脑也许正在影响你的精子质量。 In the first scientific study of its kind, researchers found Wi-Fi on laptops...

  • 印度推出35美元笔记本

    10-07-31 India has come up with the world's cheapest laptop, a touch-screen computing device that costs $35. 印度政府日前推出了一款世界上最便宜的笔记本电脑,这款触摸屏的计算设备售价仅为35美元。 India has come up with the world's cheapest 'laptop.' a touch-sc...

  • 东非地区将启动“每个孩子一台笔记本”计划

    10-04-30 The group behind the $100 laptop has formed a partnership which it hopes will deliver computers to every primary school child in East Africa. 100美元笔记本组织方与东非共济体达成合作协议,希望东非国家的每一所小学的学生都能用上该笔记本电脑。 The partn...

  • 专为电脑新手设计的笔记本发布

    10-02-20 People confused and frustrated by computers can now turn to a laptop called Alex built just for them. 对电脑操作一窍不通的人现在可以使用专为他们设计的一款笔记本Alex。 Alex's creators hope to target the 12 million Britons who are not PC users. Based...

  • 乌克兰实现学生笔记本提供计划

    09-10-19 Uruguay has become the first country to provide a laptop for every child attending state primary school. 乌拉圭成为世界上第一个为国立小学上学的孩子提供一台笔记本的国家。 362,000 pupils in Uruguay now have the distinctive laptops. President Tabar Vzq...
