• 中国将公开嫦娥四号探测数据

    19-03-04 China will gradually open data collected by the Change-4 lunar probe to the world, the countrys lunar program chief designer said. 中国将逐步公布嫦娥四号月球探测器所收集到的数据。 Wu Weiren, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, made...

  • 嫦娥四号探测器月夜后继续工作

    19-03-01 The rover and the lander of the Change-4 probe have resumed work after sleeping during their second lunar night on the far side of the moon. 嫦娥四号月球车和登陆器在月球背面经历第二个月夜的睡眠后重新恢复工作状态。 The lander woke up at 7:52 a.m. Fri...
