• a little bird told me 天机不可泄露

    22-04-25 1 a little bird told me 天机不可泄露 How did you know the news? Oh, a little bird told me. 你怎么知道这件事的? 天机不可泄露! 2 as gentle as a lamb 天真无邪的;温文尔雅的 She is as gentle as a lamb. Thats why everybody likes her. 她天真无邪,所以很...

  • tastes differ 众口难调

    21-09-02 众口难调,汉语成语,本意是吃饭的人多,很难适合每个人的口味。比喻不容易使所有的人都满意。可以翻译为it is difficult to cater to all tastes,tastes differ等。 例句: 羊羔虽美味,但众口难调。 Though lamb may be good, it is difficult to cook it to suit e...

  • “装”英文怎么说

    17-03-07 1. 装嫩 Mutton dressed as lamb 虽然上了岁数但是还是爱把自己往年轻了捯饬,英文形容这样的女性就是装嫩。 例:Shes far too old for that - she looks like mutton dressed as lamb. 她岁数太大了,这么打扮跟她年龄不符,明显就是老黄瓜耍绿漆装嫩。 2. 装有范 Put...

  • 聪明的小羊羔

    14-11-05 It was a fine day. The trees were green, the flowers were red and yellow. A white lamb was playing in the fields. At that time, a wolf came and caught it. The wolf wanted to eat the lamb. The lamb said, I'm thin now, please come to eat me next time....

  • The lamb chased by a wolf

    13-09-16 A Wolf was chasing a Lamb, which took refuge in a temple. The Wolf urged it to come out of the precincts, and said, If you don't, the priest is sure to catch you and offer you up in sacrifice on the altar. To which the Lamb replied, Thanks, I think...

  • 狼和小羊

    10-04-01 Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping(舔) at a spring on a hillside, when, looking up, what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down. Theres my supper, thought he, if only(只要,要是多好) I can find some excuse to seize...
