• 人文知识练习附讲解 12

    21-10-23 1___ The worlds largest freshwater lake is Lake ___. A Superior B Ontario C Huron D Michigan 2___ The state of ___ is rich in fishing and trapping. A Hawaii B California C Alaska D New York 3___ Harvard University was founded in ___. A 1366 B 1633 C...

  • unattainable illusions 镜花水月

    21-07-26 镜花水月,汉语成语,意思是镜里的花,水里的月;原指诗中灵活而不可捉摸的空灵的意境,后比喻虚幻的景象。按照字面意思英文可以翻译为flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake,或者直接用unattainable illusions表示。 例句: 他有许多美好的设想,...

  • 鄱阳湖将休渔十年

    19-08-22 Chinas largest freshwater lake, Poyang Lake in eastern Chinas Jiangxi Province, will ban fishing year-round from 2021, local authorities said Wednesday. 江西鄱阳湖,中国最大的淡水湖,从2021年开始将休渔十年。 The 10-year fishing ban will take effect...

  • 男版《天鹅湖》9月将在北京演出

    19-05-14 British choreographer Matthew Bournes dance drama Swan Lake will be staged six times from Sept. 5-8 at the Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center. 英国编舞艺术家马修伯恩的舞蹈剧《天鹅湖》将于9月5日至8日在北京天桥艺术中心演出六...

  • 福建将向台湾金门输送淡水

    18-08-06 A water pipeline connecting Chinese mainland coastal province of Fujian to Kinmen went into operation on Sunday, delivering water from Fujians Jinjiang River to alleviate water shortages in Kinmen. 一条连接中国大陆福建省与金门的输水管线周日开始动工...

  • 火星上发现液态水湖泊

    18-07-26 A massive underground lake has been detected for the first time on Mars, raising hopes that more water -- and maybe even life -- exists there, international astronomers said Wednesday. 火星上首次发现一个大型地下湖泊,这为火星上有更多的水、甚至是生命...

  • 利用五大湖鳄龟检测湿地污染程度

    16-06-10 Decades of unregulated industrial waste dumping in areas of the Great Lakes have created a host of environmental and wildlife problems. Now it appears that Lake Michigan painted and snapping turtles could be a useful source for measuring the resulti...

  • Painted Turtle

    16-03-15 Painted Turtle Gretchen Marquette Summer road the ring around the lake, we drove mostly in silence. Why aren't I your wife? You swerved around a turtle sunning itself. I wanted to go back. To hold the hot disc of it and place it in the grass. We wer...

  • 德国某湖泊沉积物中发现冰岛火山灰

    16-01-05 Traces of volcanic ash originating from islandic volcanoes have been found in the sediments of Laker Tiefer See in the Nossentiner-Schwinzer Heide natural park in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. This allows to more precisely date climate changes of the last...

  • 格陵兰冰盖对冰下湖的影响

    15-10-13 Pioneering new research sheds light on the impact of climate change on subglacial lakes found under the Greenland ice sheet. A team of experts, led by Dr Steven Palmer from the University of Exeter, has studied the water flow paths from one such sub...