• 海豚跟人类一样拥有社交网络

    15-05-06 They may not be on Facebook or Twitter, but dolphins do, in fact, form highly complex and dynamic networks of friends, according to a recent study by scientists at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI) at Florida Atlantic University. Dolphins...

  • 墨西哥渔民发现两头连体灰鲸

    14-01-09 Mexican officials say fishermen have found two conjoined gray whale calves in a lagoon in Baja California. 墨西哥官员称,当地渔民在下加利福尼亚半岛的一处环礁湖发现两头联体灰鲸幼仔。 The two conjoined gray whale calves have been described as exceptio...

  • 太平洋中发现新海洋物种

    13-03-04 When Jim Thomas and his global team of researchers returned to the Madang Lagoon in Papua New Guinea, they discovered a treasure trove of new species unknown to science. This is especially relevant as the research team consisted of scientists who ha...
