• knuckle down 开始努力工作、学习

    21-05-13 口语表达 knuckle down 的意思是 开始努力做某项任务,比如 开始用功学习或辛勤工作。有人认为该说法源于弹球游戏,这是因为游戏中参与者通常会把 knuckles 指关节 贴在地面上,把弹子放在食指关节间,然后用大拇指把球弹出去。 例句 You need to knuckle down if you...

  • 掰指关节并不会对关节有伤害

    15-05-04 It creates a sound that sets teeth on edge and, we're often told, raises the risk of arthritis. But people who can crack their knuckles may actually have healthier joints than others. 掰指关节的声音让人很不舒服,而且我们常被告知,掰指关节会增加患关...

  • 扳指关节时关节内发生了什么

    15-04-16 Pull my finger, a phrase embraced by school-aged kids and embarrassing uncles the world over, is now being used to settle a decades-long debate about what happens when you crack your knuckles. In a new study published April 15 in PLOS ONE, an intern...
