• 重盔甲压倒骑士

    23-01-29 利滋大学的一项研究报道认为中世纪时期的金属盔甲沉重得让士兵难以在沙场上作战,这也可能直接影响到战果。 As weapons became more and more sophisticated in medieval Europe armour also evolved, and by the 15th century soldiers would have been clad top-to-t...

  • Knights & Nights 黑暗时代

    12-04-18 Teacher: Why do we sometimes call the Middle Ages the Dark Ages? Betty: Because they had so many knights. 老师:为什么有时我们称中世纪为黑暗时代呢? 贝蒂:因为那时有许多骑士。...

  • The Round Table Knights 圆桌骑士

    11-03-16 The Round Table Knights were a group of greatest knights who had the honour to sit at the Round Table at King Arthurs court. According to a story, Arthur had a carpenter build the Round Table to show that no knight, not even Arthur himself was head...
