• waiting in the wings 翘首以待

    22-06-10 1. waiting in the wings Wings原本是指剧院里演员等候上台的地方,字面意思是等待上台表演,如今引申为做好准备等待机遇的到来,翘首以待(to be ready to be used or employed) 例句: They say Bob will be fired and Im waiting in the wings to take over. 据说...

  • to go weak at the knees 喜欢得腿发软

    21-06-29 当你站在暗恋的人面前时,有没有感到过双腿发软?英语表达 to go weak at the knees 的字面意思是膝盖发软,站不稳。而在日常会话中,我们可以用这个说法来形容人因受到强烈的感情影响而动容的样子,尤指当看到或提到自己喜欢的人时,双腿发软。 除此之外,我们也可以...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 21

    21-02-24 A few hundred yards away from the fence strung along the western side of middle pasture, Mary Thorne pulled her horse down to a walk and straightened her hat mechanically. Her cheeks were flushed becomingly and her eyes shone, but at the end of that...

  • 10个与身体部位相关的习语

    17-01-23 1. be the bees knees 非常出色,顶尖 Have you tried this ice-cream? Its the bees knees, it really is. 你吃过这种冰激凌吗?这是最好的,真的。 2. live (from) hand to mouth 仅够糊口,勉强度日 My father earned very little and there were four kids, so we...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 36

    15-05-20 I should indeed have liked to have been able to comfort her that first night, but, obliged to spend it with Severino, it may well have been I on the contrary who stood in the greater need of help, for I had the misfortune, no, not to please, the wor...

  • 膝盖的对称度影响冲刺能力

    14-11-20 Why is Jamaica, with a population smaller than that of Los Angeles, home to so many of the world's elite sprinters -- runners who compete in the 100, 200, 400 and 800-meter races? Robert Trivers, an evolutionary biologist and professor of anthropolo...

  • the bee's knees 非常出色

    13-12-23 Li: Oh, 今天天气这么好,户外野餐,没治了!Finn. Thank you for inviting me. Finn: Yes, Li. I thought we could enjoy this rare sunny day in London and I wanted you to try some of my new recipes. Li: 品尝你的新菜谱总是令我很开心啊,你可谓是一个真正的英...

  • 穿着运动鞋运动可能导致膝盖、臀部、踝受伤

    10-01-05 Knee osteoarthritis骨关节炎 (OA) accounts for more disability in the elderly than any other disease. Running, although it has proven cardiovascular心血管的 and other health benefits, can increase stresses on the joints of the leg. In a study publish...
