• The Hare Who wouln't be a King

    10-05-26 Nothing stirred on the African plains. The sun glared down(猛烈照射) and Hare crept inside the cool hollow of a baobab(猴面包树) tree for his afternoon nap. Suddenly he was wide awake. There was a boom, boom, booming in his ears. And it was gett...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 37

    10-05-21 An Awful Predicament SLEEP? It was impossible. It would naturally have been impossible in that noisome(恶臭的,有害的) cavern(洞穴,凹处) of a jail, with its mangy(污秽的,肮脏的) crowd of drunken, quarrelsome(好争论的) , and song-singing ra...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 36

    10-05-21 An Encounter in the Dark LONDON -- to a slave -- was a sufficiently(充分地,足够地) interesting place. It was merely a great big village; and mainly mud and thatch(茅草,浓密的头发) . The streets were muddy, crooked(弯曲的,歪的) , unpaved. Th...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 35

    10-04-30 IT'S a world of surprises. The king brooded(沉思,孵) ; this was natural. What would he brood about, should you say? Why, about the prodigious(巨大的,惊人的) nature of his fall, of course -- from the loftiest place in the world to the lowest; f...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 34

    10-04-02 The Yankee and the King Sold as Slaves WELL, what had I better do? Nothing in a hurry, sure. I must get up a diversion(转移,消遣) ; anything to employ me while I could think, and while these poor fellows could have a chance to come to life(苏醒...

  • Darkness Reigns

    10-04-01 It's cold and damp in this kingdom of darkness. It covers us like a disease on our skin. They hold us hostage, the ones who call themselves the royals. Little Alana stared(凝视,注视) across the swampy(沼泽的,湿地的) desolate(荒凉的,无人烟的...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 33

    10-03-18 Sixth Century Political Economy HOWEVER, I made a dead set at him, and before the first third of the dinner was reached, I had him happy again. It was easy to do -- in a country of ranks and castes. You see, in a country where they have ranks and ca...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 32

    10-03-18 Dowley's Humiliation WELL, when that cargo arrived toward sunset, Saturday afternoon, I had my hands full to keep the Marcos from fainting(不省人事,昏厥) . They were sure Jones and I were ruined past help, and they blamed themselves as accessorie...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 31

    09-12-15 Marco WE strolled闲逛,漫步 along in a sufficiently indolent无痛的,懒惰的 fashion now, and talked. We must dispose of about the amount of time it ought to take to go to the little hamlet小村庄 of Abblasoure and put justice on the track of those mur...

  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - Chapter 30

    09-12-15 The Tragedy of the Manor-House AT midnight all was over, and we sat in the presence of在面前,有某人在场 four corpses尸体 . We covered them with such rags抹布,破布 as we could find, and started away, fastening the door behind us. Their home must be...