• 有些口头语会大大降低讲话人的可信度

    22-08-11 1. 模棱两可型 说话不靠谱的第一大特点就是支支吾吾,似是而非,英文里的sort of、kind of 、pretty much 和 maybe都起到了这样的作用。想想平时你是不是也爱这么说呢? 例1: -Do you understand? 你明白了吗? -Sort of. 差不多吧。 例2: -One dog looks pretty muc...

  • 16个常用的口语缩略词 下

    22-07-25 9. gotcha - 逮到你了 原型:got you 例:I gotcha! Cmon we need to help Robert.(我逮到你了!赶紧我们要去帮助Robert) 10. gotta - 必须 原型:got to 例:Its too late, I gotta go(太晚了,我得走了) 11. outta - 离开 原型:out of 例:I dont wanna see you anym...

  • 谢谢 下

    22-06-24 9. Cheers Cheers不仅仅是干杯,也是英式英语中的谢谢,不过通常在非正式的环境中使用。 Heres that book you wanted to borrow. Oh, cheers. 这是你想借的那本书。哦,谢啦。 10. You shouldnt (have) 这个表达的意思是你本不必这么做,真是太感谢你了,在你收到别人...

  • 淡定回应别人的赞美

    22-06-09 1. 欣然接受型:直接谢谢 Thank you, thats very kind of you! 谢谢你这么说。 I really appreciate you noticing that. 感谢你看到了这一点。 Thanks. Im glad I can help you! 谢谢你的称赞,很高兴能够帮到你。 2. 谦虚回应型:哪里哪里 Oh, its nothing! You are f...

  • It was made worse 弄巧成拙

    14-07-30 A man went to London to visit a friend. He stayed far longer than was expected. A week passed, he still made no attempt to leave. At last his friend gave him a gentle hint: Don't you think that your wife and children would miss you? But beyond expec...

  • Kind advice is wise advice

    10-07-15 Once upon a time, the son of Brahmadatta was ruling righteously(正直地,公正地) in Benares, in northern India. It came to pass(实现,发生) that the King of Kosala made war, killed the King of Benares, and made the queen become his own wife. Mean...
